Sunday, 26 March 2017

My first day with elephants

Today I worked with the elephants for the first time. I really loved it and based on today, I like it more than wildlife. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved working with the animals on wildlife program, but working with the elephants is something that I've been waiting for the whole time. The elephants are so beatiful creatures and they are really huge. I mean, I felt soooo small when I was next to an elephant. πŸ™†

An elephant. 🐘

My day started with smushing (I have no idea how I should write that word) bananas and turning them into bananaballs for the elephants.🍌 It was super fun and I love smushing things.😍 After that we had breakfast (I made pancakes with Christin❤️) and then we went to harvest, which basically is carrying banana trees into this huge truck. Why we do this? πŸ€” Because the elephants eat the trees 🌴🐘. It was really fun and I liked it a lot, even thought it is not an easy job to do. I mean, we were sweating like little pigs🐷 And it was so hot out there☀️. But we were a great team today and we worked well together so it was quickly done and after that we went to swimming in a river nearby and that felt sooooo good! πŸ’¦πŸ˜ 
Smushing bananas 🍌🍌

The strong women after harvest.πŸ‘­πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Then we had lunch and after that we took elephants for a walk. (Yes we do take elephants out for a walkπŸ™ˆ). It was so cool and also a bit scary, because they are so big compared to me or other humans. But they were super sweet. First we took one of them for a walk with some tourists and then we took the other one for a walk just us three girls and one mahout (don't know if I'm writing that right eitherπŸ˜‚). Mahouts are the men, who work closely with the elephants.
Taking an elephant for a walk ☺️🐘
Selfie time πŸ“Έ

Love. Emilia

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