Sunday, 26 March 2017

Other wildlife

Let's talk a little bit more about the wildlife program. In that we have different teams to take care of different animals. Most of the work in these teams os pretty similar, because most of the time it's preparing food, feeding the animals, cleaning their enclosures, scrubbing their food baskets and bringing water to the animals and some special projects, such as painting, scrubbing things, cleaning stuff or fixing things.These are the teams and shortly what they are: Bears1 is basically taking care of one group of bears and Bears2 takes care of the other group of bears. Primates 1 takes care of some gibbons and macaques and Primates2 takes care of gibbons in the gibbonforest. Primates1 has a lot of chopping fruit and Primates2 includes many many water rounds. Quarantine teams responsability is to take care of macaques that are in thr quarantine area and also to feed languers.πŸ’ Nocturnals have a lot of special projects because there aren't that many nocturnal animals here and the work is pretty quickly done. Last but not least there is Other Wildlife (which is my favourite and that is why it's the title of this postπŸ’πŸ˜). In Other Wildlife you take care of birds (parrots for example), turtles, pigs, deers etc. I love turtles, which is propably the reason I love other wildlife team, cause I can work with them in this team. 🐒
Chopping time.
Time to take the food for the animals 🌽🍏🍊

Turtle 🐒❤️
Parrot called blue πŸ™‹

The teams change every single day and there aren't always the same people working together, which is very good cause you get to know everybody around here. But that was it today. If you feel like you have any questions about these groups or work on wildlife, please do ask in the comments below. ☺️

Love. Emilia

My first day with elephants

Today I worked with the elephants for the first time. I really loved it and based on today, I like it more than wildlife. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved working with the animals on wildlife program, but working with the elephants is something that I've been waiting for the whole time. The elephants are so beatiful creatures and they are really huge. I mean, I felt soooo small when I was next to an elephant. πŸ™†

An elephant. 🐘

My day started with smushing (I have no idea how I should write that word) bananas and turning them into bananaballs for the elephants.🍌 It was super fun and I love smushing things.😍 After that we had breakfast (I made pancakes with Christin❤️) and then we went to harvest, which basically is carrying banana trees into this huge truck. Why we do this? πŸ€” Because the elephants eat the trees 🌴🐘. It was really fun and I liked it a lot, even thought it is not an easy job to do. I mean, we were sweating like little pigs🐷 And it was so hot out there☀️. But we were a great team today and we worked well together so it was quickly done and after that we went to swimming in a river nearby and that felt sooooo good! πŸ’¦πŸ˜ 
Smushing bananas 🍌🍌

The strong women after harvest.πŸ‘­πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Then we had lunch and after that we took elephants for a walk. (Yes we do take elephants out for a walkπŸ™ˆ). It was so cool and also a bit scary, because they are so big compared to me or other humans. But they were super sweet. First we took one of them for a walk with some tourists and then we took the other one for a walk just us three girls and one mahout (don't know if I'm writing that right eitherπŸ˜‚). Mahouts are the men, who work closely with the elephants.
Taking an elephant for a walk ☺️🐘
Selfie time πŸ“Έ

Love. Emilia

Friday, 24 March 2017

New video is up on youtube

Good morning world πŸ™‹ Just uploaded a quick video for you guys about how is it in here.
Hope you like it☺️

Love. Emilia

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

My feet got sunburned

As I said on my first video, sun cream is super important and do not forget it. Well I had my day off on friday and I did not put any sun cream on my feet, cause normally I'm wearing sneakers while working so I don't need to put sun cream on my feet. My feet got burned so badly (yes you will see a picture soon, so prepare yourself). I almost couldn't walk from the taxi to my room and on saturday I couldn't go to work, cause I couldn't walk almost at all. My feet hurt soooo bad! They were pink/purple for a long time. I putted some aloe vera on them and kept them away from the sun for a few days and now they are perfectly fine. (Still a bit red but I can actually walk so they are fine). I wanted to share this with you guys, so you can learn from my mistakes. PUT ON THAT SUN CREAM!!

My burned feet. The left one got soo big!

Beside the fact that my feet got burned and I couldn't work for a day or walk properly for a few days, I had really fun at the Hua Hin beach with Robin and Christin. We went swimming, just chilled at the beach and went to eat some pizza.πŸ•

Enjoying my free day. 😍

At the beach with Christin and Robin.

The temperature is kinda nice πŸ‘Œ

My pizza πŸ˜πŸ•πŸ•

With love. Emilia

Friday, 17 March 2017

What have I been up to lately

So lately I've been doing about the same things: feeding the animals, cleaning enclosures, painting walls and so on. It's really nice and I really feel like finally I'm doing something important and something that actually matters. Two days ago a monkey tried to grab my ass and after that he showed me a kissing face, which means that I'm the "alpha" or something like that. This one langur grabbed this magicsponge that we use to clean their food baskets and it took me like 10mins to get it back and the langur was just laughing. The same one grabbed my wrist and they have a very tight grib. I think that like 5 of them tried to grab this food bowl we use to bring them their food. So it was kinda grabby day.

This little guy was very grabby two days ago.

I had no idea that the deers eat bananas, but they do.

Repainting the bear enclosure.

Food delivery on it's way.

With love. Emilia

Monday, 13 March 2017

Arrival & 1st working day

So we arrived here yesterday and it's been so cool. This place is simply amazing 😍 All the people are very nice and talky like me so we get along very well. When we arrived we got a little tour of the area, so we no which animals to watch out and how everything works in here. After that we got our rooms and me and Nina live with two Canadian girls Jelly (that's her nickname) and Cameron. They are only here for one week so that's sad cause they're super nice and likeminded so it would be fun to work/hang out with them longer.
Jelly and Carmen😍❤️

Here is so many animals: elephants, apes, dogs, cats, bears, birds etc.

Food is so damn good. I mean if you like chicken you'll be just fine. On my first day I worked in the Wildlife rescue center, where we gave food for the bears and cleaned the place where pigs live and also repainted the house of some bears. So it's been fun and I've enjoyned every second in here. It feels a bit unreal to be here cause I've wated so long for this, so I feel like I'm sleeping and someone is going to wake me up soon (please don't!πŸ™πŸ˜΅πŸ˜‚).
My dutied for todayπŸ™‹

Me bringig food for the bears.

Here is Linda from Norway. She was working with me todayπŸ‘­
Here is Linda and our team leader Anita, she's also from Norway.

Now I'll hit the shower, cause it's like 38 degrees in here so I'm sweating like a pig and there's dirt all over me, so byee! πŸ™‹

Love. Emilia

Saturday, 11 March 2017

At the airport.

Omg!! Now it is time to go. Here we are at the airport. Everything has gone so far so good and we are soooo excited. So byebye Finland and hello Thailand😍
 Love. Emilia

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Pack with me

Hi guys! Wibiii! My first video for this blog is finally here and it is called: Pack With Me
Sadly I can't put it here directly, due to technical issues, but there is a link so click it and you'll see it.

With love. Emilia