Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Elephant riding - Something you should never do.

Time to talk about something serious, that I learned while volunteering. This is something I really need everyone to understand, because so many asked me, if I did elephant riding, while I was there. And after learning all this, I was shocked that people even asked me. Like hell no! I did not do something as cruel as elephant riding, specially while I was there to help them, save them and try to make their life a little bit better. But then I realised that like I was unaware of the harmfull side of elephant riding, so is everyone else. People don't know unless you tell them. And by telling you are educating people and making a difference and maybe step by step stopping the cruelty. This post is so important that I'll write it both in English and in Finnish just to make sure people undertand what I'm saying. So the Finnish version can be found below.

First of all, before starting to train elephants for elephant riding, they need to capture a young baby elephant. This means that they need to kill the entire family to get one baby, because elephants are very protective towards their offspring, so they will fight to death trying to save them. To avoid fighting an elephant they'll just kill the parents and take the baby against it's will. After this they need to break the spirit of the elephant to make it submissive. They tie the babys legs, put in inside a small cage, in which he can barely move. They starve him, don't give water, beat him, poke him etc. Untill he breaks. This breaking means that the spirit of the elephant is broken, it gives up, it accepts death if that will come. And then they slowely introduce him to a mahout (elephant trainer), who will feed him, help him and so there is a submissive bond created betweem those two. Side note: some elephants are blinded from their left eye because they were taken too young and they didn't get mothers milk when they would've needed it to grow. Elephants are also not allowed to do their natural things, such as dusting themselves with sand. Why they dust themselves? That is their way of protecting their skin from the sun and when they are not allowed to do this (because they need to be clean for the tourist rides and pictures) their skin burns and peals off.

Now starts the training for tourist rides. He is beaten again to obey the mahout. They put these hooks into he's ears to make him turn left or right. This damages his ears badly. You can see elephants with cuts on their ears or even pieces missing out of them and this is result of the hook. People see the elephants moving their head from side to side and they often call it "dancing". It is not dancing it is a sign of the elephant feeling unsafe and anxious. So don't go near an elephant doing this move. You will just make it worse + you are not safe. Then finally the happy tourists arrive climbing up and starting the ride. Elephants are big animals - that is true, but their backs are not made for carrying heavy stuff (like many people for example), their backs are broken because of these elephant rides. The elephants DO NOT FUCKING ENJOY IT! It hurts them and you can see the damages on their backs. And all the things they have to go threw just so tourists can take a nice picture is not worth it. Animals that work at the streets as tourist attractions are going threw similar things and I think this is absolutely awfull! They are tortured, hurt, taken out of the nature (where they belong) just so people could make money and tourists could take pictures with them.

So after reading this post, I hope you take a moment to think what I've just said, cause I'm in tears right now while I'm writing this and I remember all the animals (elephants included), that were hurt for money. It makes me sick. Please help change the world! Please don't go elephant riding! Please don't take pictures with animals on the streets! If you want to see animals go to rescue centers, where people actually care about the animals and want to make their lives better. After you've read this and specially if you are someone close to me and you go elephant riding. Our friendship is done. Ended. There is no going back. If you've done it before you read this, I understand you didn't know. But please never ever do it again. That's all. Just don't.

After the Finnish version, there are some pictures for you to see.

Noniin. Elikkäs aika puhua jostakin vakavasta aiheesta, josta opin, ollessani vapaaehtoisena. Tosi moni kysy multa, kun tulin kotiin, että ratsastinko mä norsuilla siellä ja sen jälkeen mitä olin oppinu, olin alkuun aivan järkyttyny, että joku edes kysyy. En helvetissä käyny ratsastamassa norsuilla! En mä nyt tekis jotain niin julmaa, varsinkin kun olin siellä auttamassa niitä ja yrittämässä parantaa niitten elämää edes vähän. Mutta sitten mä tajusin, että samalla tavalla kun minäkin olin tietämätön norsuratsastuksen haitallisuudesta, niin ovat kaikki muutkin. Ihmiset eivät tiedä jos ei heille kerro ja nimenomaan kertomalla opetat ihmisiä, autat pikkuhiljaa tekemään muutoksen ja ehkä lopulta jopa lopettamaan tämän julmuuden. Ja tämä aihe on niin tärkeä, että minun on kirjoitettava tämä, sekä englanniksi, että suomeksi, jotta ihmiset oikeasti ymmärtävät mitä minä kerron. Englannin kielinen versio oli tosiaan tossa ylempänä.

Ensinnäkin, ennen kuin norsua aletaan kouluttaa norsuratsastukseen, täytyy napata nuori vauva norsu. Tämä tarkoittaa, että vauvan koko perhe on ensin tapettava, sillä norsut ovat todella suojelevia jälkikasvuaan kohtaan ja ovat valmiita taistelemaan kuolemaan asti, suojellakseen heitä. Välttääkseen tämän, he tappavat ensin vanhemmat ja sitten vievät vauva norsun vasten sen tahtoa. Tämän jälkeen on norsun "henki" tai ehkä enneminkin sielu rikottava ja alistettava. Vauvan jalat sidotaan, se tungetaan pieneen häkkiin, jossa se pystyy tuskin edes liikkua. Norsua näännytetään, sille ei anneta vettä, sitä lyödään, tökitään jne. Kunnes tämä luovuttaa. Luovuttaminen tarkoittaa, että norsun henki, sielu, elämänhalu on murrettu. Sitten se esitellään norsunkouluttajalle eli mahoutille, joka ruokkii ja auttaa norsua ja näin on luotu suhde, jossa norsu alistuu ihmiselle. Sivu huomautus: Jotkut norsut ovat sokeita heidän vasemmasta silmästään ja tämän uskotaan johtuvan liian varhaisesta erosta äidistään, sillä he eivät saa tarvitsemaansa äidinmaitoa ja sen ravinteita kasvaakseen. Norsujen ei myöskään anneta toteuttaa niiden normaalia luontoaan, kuten itsensä tomuttamista esimerkiksi hiekalla. Miksi ne tomuttavat itseään? Sillä tavoin ne suojaavat ihonsa auringolta ja kun niiden ei anneta tehdä tätä (koska niiden on oltava puhtaita norsuratsastuksen ja valokuvien vuoksi) niiden iho palaa ja kuoriutuu pois.

Nyt alkaa ratsastuksen koulutus. Norsua lyödään taas, jotta se tottelisi mahoutia. Sen korviin isketään koukkuja, jotta se kääntyisi oikealle tai vasemmalle. Tämä vahingoittaa norsun korvia pahasti. Voit nähdä norsuja joiden korvissa on haavoja, repeytymiä tai jopa palasia puuttuu ja se on koukun jälkeä. Ihmiset näkevät norsun heiluttelevan päätään puolelta toisella ja kuvittelevat sen "tanssivan". Oikeasti tämä on merkki siitä, että norsu tuntee olonsa uhatuksi, turvattomaksi ja ahdistuneeksi. Älä siis lähesty norsua, joka tekee tätä liikettä, sillä sinä vain pahennat asiaa, etkä todennäköisesti ole itsekään turvassa. Vihdoin onnelliset turistit saapuvat ja kiipeävät norsun selkään. Norsut ovat suuria eläimiä - se on totta, mutta niiden selkää ei ole luotu kantamaan painavia kuormia (kuten turisteja) ja niiden selät menevät hajalle turisti ratsastuksen vuoksi. Norsut eivät vittu nauti siitä! Se satuttaa niitä ja ratsastuksen aiheuttamat vammat on havaittavissa, jos katsoo niiden selkää. Ja kaikki se mitä ne joutuvat käymään läpi vain, jotta turistit saisivat kivan kuvan ei todellakaan ole sen arvoista. Eläimet jotka työskentelevät kaduilla turistien viihdyttäjinä, kokevat paljon samankaltaista kidutusta ja mielestäni se on aivan kamalaa! Niitä kidutetaan, satutetaan ja ne napataan pois niiden luonnollisesta elinympäristöstä rahan ja valokuvien vuoksi!

Nyt kun olet lukenut tämän, toivon, että pysähdyt hetkeksi ajattelemaan, mitä olen juuri kertonut, sillä minä kirjoitan tätä kyyneleet silmissä, kun ajattelen kaikkia niitä eläimiä joita satutetaan rahan vuoksi. Tämä oksettaa minua. Auta muuttamaan maailmaa! Älä ratsasta norsuilla! Älä ota kuvia eläinten kanssa kaduilla! Jos haluat nähdä eläimiä, mene eläinten pelastus keskuksiin, missä niistä oikeasti pidetään huolta ja niiden elämästä yritetään tehdä parempaa. Luettuasi tämän ja varsinkin, jos olet joku läheisistäni ja menet edelleen ratsastamaan norsuilla. Meidän ystävyytemme oli siinä. Loppu. Ei paluuta entiseen. Jos olet tehnyt sitä ennen kuin luit tämän, saat anteeksi, sinä et tiennyt, mutta älä koskaan tee sitä uudestaan. Siinä kaikki. Älä.

Ja sitten kuvia, joita toivottavasti et saa pois mielestäni:

Love. Emilia

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Phraya Nakhon Cave

We (Niina, Alexi, Christin, Fleur, Jordan, Olivia and I) decided to visit this Phraya Nakhon Cave, which has a temple inside it. We hiked two mountains to get there, but it was totally worth it. I really like hiking, so it wasn't that bad. Ofcource at times, it felt like you're dying, because it's hot, you're sweating and I had way too little water with me. But we all survived and got into the cave, which was beautiful. The temple itself was quite small and we didn't get to see it closely, but still it was cool. If I remember correctly, three different kings of Thailand have visited that cave and temple. Now I hope I'd spent more of my time in Thailand for seeing things and not just chilling at the beach (even though it's not a bad thing just to relax sometimes). After the hike we ate something and stayed at the beach which was between the two mountains and just relaxed for a while. We also saw some wild langurs, which was awesome. They were so layed back and just chilled there while we walked by. I could try to explain the cave and how beautiful it was or how beautiful our hike there was, but I think no words can describe it, so I'll just show you in pictures:

Time to start hiking to the cave:

I think I heard something funny while taking this picture:

Inside the cave:

The small temple:

Time to start hiking back:

We saw the wild langurs:

A little break at the beach & some food:

And last hike before we get into the taxi:

Hope you guys enjoyed this post at least almost as much as I enjoyed the hike and the cave. This was an amazing experience and a big fat thank you for all the great people who were here with me and made especially this particular day so awesome <3 

Love. Emilia

Monday, 10 April 2017

Back at home and twerking at the beach

Hello everyone! I got back home yesterday and this feels so unreal. I can't believe how fast 4 weeks went. It feels like I was just going to Thailand and now I'm already back at home. So weird! Even though I'm not in Thailand anymore this will not be the end of my blog just yet. I have so many pictures and videos in my camera and I will share them with you now that I can put them into my computer. But sadly the end will come at some point and that is just the harsh reality, but lets not talk about that yet.

It was the best feeling ever to see my boyfriend after 4 weeks and he came to the airport to pick me up. I missed my family and my cat so badly and now I'm able to see them again. It's great, but I made so many new friends from all around the world and I miss them all so much now that I don't see them everyday like a used to. When I was leaving the WFFT center, I did not know if I should be happy or sad, so I were both. First I smiled for the idea of seeing my family and then I started to cry because I knew that these awesome people would be left behind. I wish so badly, that I can keep contact with at least most of them for the rest of my life, because some people I met came very dear to me during these 4 weeks and it would be a shame not to see them ever again.

I also missed food, candy and milk of Finland so badly, while I was in Thailand. The first thing I did when I got back, was to go and by myself a bottle of FINNISH MILK.<3 You will learn to appreciate the little things from your home country, when you travel. I did not like the way milk tasted in Thailand, but I did drink it for the worst grave of milk. I also bought A LOT OF candy when I got home. I got a little crazy in there and at the end my boyfriend had to tell me that I already had WAY TOO MUCH. But I don't regret anything that I bought. I bought some ice cream, chocolate, many different types of candy, lolly pops, cheerios and so on. I haven't eaten them all yet, but I'm so happy that I have all of them.

The first thing I noticed was, that it is so damn cold in this country! Everyone else are saying that it's "nice and warm", but I'm like screaming to my mother: "Where are my winter clothes!?!??" When you get used to +35 degrees, +10 feels freezing! I'm like shaking all the time and I feel like the cold is going inside me and freezing my bones. Hope this will be over soon, because I hate the feeling of could.

But now I'm going to run for my reggaeton lesson and here is a little surprise video for you guys: Me twerking at the Hua Hin beach in Thailand for a choreography made by my amazing and stunning twerking teacher Ludmila Kopaeva.

Love. Emilia

Thursday, 6 April 2017

I'm still here

I'm so sorry that it has been forever since I last posted somerhing here. I've just been so tired after work and just wanted to enjoy the time I've had left. Today was my last working day and I'm so sad about it. I'm really happy that soon I'll see my family again, but this place is so magical. And the work is great. Basically it's the same everyday; making bananaballs, feeding the elephants, walking them, showering them and some special projects. Today we got to see how the mahouts were trying to pare to elephants, so that they would become friends and they could live woth each other. That was interesting to see, even though not that much happened.

These two have been living in the same enclosure for a
 long time already and they are so cute together. 😍

Tomorrow I'll go to see this temple, which is inside a cave. And I've heard that it is absolutely beautiful, so I'm very excited. So now I'll start sleeping, just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and writing this blog. 🙋

Love. Emilia

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Other wildlife

Let's talk a little bit more about the wildlife program. In that we have different teams to take care of different animals. Most of the work in these teams os pretty similar, because most of the time it's preparing food, feeding the animals, cleaning their enclosures, scrubbing their food baskets and bringing water to the animals and some special projects, such as painting, scrubbing things, cleaning stuff or fixing things.These are the teams and shortly what they are: Bears1 is basically taking care of one group of bears and Bears2 takes care of the other group of bears. Primates 1 takes care of some gibbons and macaques and Primates2 takes care of gibbons in the gibbonforest. Primates1 has a lot of chopping fruit and Primates2 includes many many water rounds. Quarantine teams responsability is to take care of macaques that are in thr quarantine area and also to feed languers.🐒 Nocturnals have a lot of special projects because there aren't that many nocturnal animals here and the work is pretty quickly done. Last but not least there is Other Wildlife (which is my favourite and that is why it's the title of this post💁😍). In Other Wildlife you take care of birds (parrots for example), turtles, pigs, deers etc. I love turtles, which is propably the reason I love other wildlife team, cause I can work with them in this team. 🐢
Chopping time.
Time to take the food for the animals 🌽🍏🍊

Turtle 🐢❤️
Parrot called blue 🙋

The teams change every single day and there aren't always the same people working together, which is very good cause you get to know everybody around here. But that was it today. If you feel like you have any questions about these groups or work on wildlife, please do ask in the comments below. ☺️

Love. Emilia

My first day with elephants

Today I worked with the elephants for the first time. I really loved it and based on today, I like it more than wildlife. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved working with the animals on wildlife program, but working with the elephants is something that I've been waiting for the whole time. The elephants are so beatiful creatures and they are really huge. I mean, I felt soooo small when I was next to an elephant. 🙆

An elephant. 🐘

My day started with smushing (I have no idea how I should write that word) bananas and turning them into bananaballs for the elephants.🍌 It was super fun and I love smushing things.😍 After that we had breakfast (I made pancakes with Christin❤️) and then we went to harvest, which basically is carrying banana trees into this huge truck. Why we do this? 🤔 Because the elephants eat the trees 🌴🐘. It was really fun and I liked it a lot, even thought it is not an easy job to do. I mean, we were sweating like little pigs🐷 And it was so hot out there☀️. But we were a great team today and we worked well together so it was quickly done and after that we went to swimming in a river nearby and that felt sooooo good! 💦😍 
Smushing bananas 🍌🍌

The strong women after harvest.👭💪💪

Then we had lunch and after that we took elephants for a walk. (Yes we do take elephants out for a walk🙈). It was so cool and also a bit scary, because they are so big compared to me or other humans. But they were super sweet. First we took one of them for a walk with some tourists and then we took the other one for a walk just us three girls and one mahout (don't know if I'm writing that right either😂). Mahouts are the men, who work closely with the elephants.
Taking an elephant for a walk ☺️🐘
Selfie time 📸

Love. Emilia

Friday, 24 March 2017

New video is up on youtube

Good morning world 🙋 Just uploaded a quick video for you guys about how is it in here.
Hope you like it☺️

Love. Emilia